Stay Safe, Breathe Easy, Save Money: Why Concrete Is The Perfect Material For Your New Home

Are you considering building a new home of your own? If so, one of the key considerations is the material you'll use for the framing and insulation. While wood may be an attractive traditional choice, you shouldn't overlook the benefits concrete has to offer. In fact, a concrete home lasts longer and has quite a few added benefits that might just be too good for you to pass up.

Your Home Will Enjoy A Longer Lifespan

Unlike wood, concrete needs little protection to remain strong over the years. Unsealed concrete is impervious to termites, carpenter bees, rodents, and mold. It simply will not degrade over time due to pests or plants. Concrete buildings are also far more resistance to weather damage, including severe weather damage from earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, and snow. The material is even fire-resistant, which protects your possessions and your home in the event of disaster and also stops fires from spreading to nearby buildings.

Wood weakens and must be replaced over time, but concrete gains strength as it ages. Most concrete dwellings are rated to last at least 100 years without needing serious repairs or renovations to the concrete frame.

You And Your Neighbors Can Breath Easier

Other building materials must be treated in order to last, but concrete contains no volatile organic chemicals. These VOCs are common in their air of home build from wood, and they can increase the risk of sickness in household members, especially children and the elderly. Concrete ensures your home's air stays safe.

In fact, concrete can even help you combat pollutants originating outside the home. Smog-eating concrete, first invented in 2008, breaks down smog particles that touch it, filtering the air both inside and outside of the building. This helps buildings maintain air quality, and also increases the cleanliness of surfaces inside. As an added bonus, smog-eating concrete can purify outside air to a certain degree as well, and your neighbors will certainly be grateful for that!

Your Energy Bill Could Be Lower Than Ever

Unlike wood-framed building, which have gaps in the walls to be filled with insulation, concrete is solid all the way through. This enables it to act as a thermal reservoir that reduces the energy needed to make your home comfortable by retaining heat during winter and cooling off during the summer. Because of this property, Canadian owners of concrete homes can expect to pay up to 25% less on their energy bills.

If you want a home that will last and might even save you some money in the long run, you can't go wrong with concrete framework. To learn more about why concrete is perfect for your new house, you should contact your local contractor for more information. When you're in the same home three or four decades from now and you look back on how much you saved, you'll be glad you made that phone call.
